A1004EVR-317SS2B0 Series

Evolution Series Stainless Steel/Poly - A1004EVR-317SS2B0 Series

The Evolution series spill container features a corrosion resistant stainless steel primary containment vessel and is customizable for varied customer preferences.  Both the primary and secondary spill containment vessels are replaceable from grade.  To view customization options, please refer to the cutsheet.

A1004EVR-317SS2B0 Series

wdt_ID Model No. Application Rim/Lid A0996 ID Tag Drawings
1 A1004EVR-317SS2B0 Fill Not Coated, SS/Composite N/A
3 A1004EVR-317SS2B1 Fill White, SS/Composite Regular
4 A1004EVR-317SS2B2 Fill Red, SS/Composite Premium
5 A1004EVR-317SS2B3 Fill Yellow, SS/Composite Diesel
6 A1004EVR-317SS2B7 Fill White, SS Composite E0
7 A1004EVR-317SS2D6* Fill Bronze, SS/Composite E85